website & cookies privacy policy

English version: March 2024)

Yaak is developing an open-source embodied AI platform that prioritizes safety. Partnering with domain experts around the world, we collect their demonstrations and feedback to train large multimodal models (LMMs). These models are then fine-tuned for downstream tasks like detecting and correcting incorrect operations, and generating novel scenarios. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes how and when Yaak collects, uses, and shares the information it gathers. When you use Yaak’s applications, website, or other online products and services (“Website”), you consent to the collection, transfer, storage, use, and disclosure of information as described in this Policy.

Scope and Application

This Policy applies to all Yaak Website visitors and Yaak users using our Website.

What Information Does Yaak Gather?

When you visit the Website, Yaak collects information about your visit in order to provide you with Yaak services and products, allow us to understand how visitors navigate our Website, and use our Services.

1. Information Provided By You

You have the option of writing us at to give us your name, email address, phone number, and other information that we will use to respond to your inquiries about Yaak, and to send you news about Yaak-related services, products, or promotions. We may use a service provider to send or administer these messages, but we will never share or sell the information you provide with spammers or any other third parties without your consent. We will provide you with any personal information submitted by you to us by email upon request.

2. Online Tracking

When you visit Yaak’s Website, we and our third-party partners analyze log file information and other data collected through cookies, web beacons, and other tracking technology, to collect information about your browsing behavior. This information may include, for example, your browser type, domains, page views, IP address, referring/exit pages, information about how you interact with our Website and links, traffic and usage trends, etc.

3. Third-Party Sites

Yaak’s Website may contain links to third-party websites, or social media features. Your interactions with, and information collected by, these linked websites are governed by the privacy policies of those sites, over which we have no control. We encourage you to review your privacy settings and the privacy policies governing the third-party sites that you visit.

4. Minors

Our Website does not knowingly collect or store any personal information about children under the age of 13.

How Will Yaak Share the Information It Collects?

We do not share or sell data that can identify you, your business location or any person involved with you, to any third-party company or organization outside the Yaak network, for any commercial or marketing purpose, without asking you first. The following are the limited situations in which we may share your information.

1. Third Parties

We may share non-personal data publicly and with third parties. For example, Yaak may publish information about our latest findings on testing our models with driving schools. We take steps to keep this non-personal information from being associated with you, and we require our partners to do the same. Any Yaak data that you choose to share with a third party is governed by that third party’s privacy policy while in that party’s possession. Any data that Yaak receives from third party products and services will be processed and stored by Yaak, and will be treated in accordance with this Policy. This information may be processed in the same way as any other data that is a part of your Yaak account or Yaak logs.

2. Business Transactions

In the event Yaak is involved in a bankruptcy, merger, acquisition, reorganization, or sale of assets, your information may be sold or transferred as part of that transaction. This Policy will apply to your information as transferred to the new entity.

3. For use in protecting property and security of users

Yaak may access, preserve, and share your information when Yaak has a good faith belief that it is necessary to: protect the property and security of Yaak, Yaak users, and others; or to prevent death or imminent bodily harm.

4. Legal Compliance

Yaak may access, preserve, or share your information (including personal information) in response to a legal request (like a search warrant, court order, or subpoena) if Yaak has a good faith belief that the law requires it. Information concerning you or your drivers may be accessed, processed, and retained for an extended period of time when it is the subject of a legal request or obligation, government investigation, or investigations concerning possible violations of our terms or policies, or otherwise to prevent harm.

Data Protection, Security, and Retention

1. Data Protection and Security

Yaak takes security seriously. We use commercially reasonable, physical, administrative, and technological methods to transmit your data securely. The Yaak cloud is supported by third-party vendors and service providers which process and store information in compliance with this Policy, and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures. In addition to technological security measures, Yaak places access controls on its employees, contractors, and agents. We restrict access to any personal information to those Yaak employees, contractors, and agents who need to know that information in order to transmit, store, or process it, and who are subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations that are consistent with this Policy, and may be disciplined or terminated if they fail to meet these obligations. Yaak cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to defeat our security measures or use your personal information for improper purposes. In the event that any information in our possession or under our control is compromised as a result of a breach of security, we will take reasonable steps to investigate the situation and, where appropriate, notify those individuals whose information may have been compromised and take other steps, in accordance with any applicable laws and regulations.

2. Data Retention and Deletion

We will retain the information that you provide only as long as needed to provide you services. We may retain your personal information after you have closed your account if retention is reasonably necessary to comply with our legal obligations, meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes between Yaak users, prevent fraud or abuse, or enforce this Policy and our User Agreement. You can request to delete your personal information from Yaak’s servers via an email request to Because of the way we maintain certain Services, after your information is deleted, backup copies may linger for some time before they are deleted, and we may retain certain data for a longer period of time if we are required to do so for legal reasons.

Your Choices

Upon request, individuals who wish to view, verify, correct, opt out of certain uses of, or remove their information collected under this policy, may contact Yaak at

Notification of Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may revise this Policy from time to time. The most current version will govern our use of your information. If we make a change to this Policy that, in our sole discretion, is material, we will notify you via an email update using an email address associated with your account. By continuing to access or use the Services after those changes become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised Policy.


If you have any questions about Yaak’s Policy or practices please contact Yaak at or at the address below:

Yaak Technologies ApS
Luftmarinegade 138
1432 København, Denmark